Sunday, October 14, 2007

The Scientific Mehtod has its Own Restrictions

The Major Problem is always using the detached impersonal perspective:

I realize with this now 13 different site blog (soon to be 15) that often I only barely scratch the surface of the intial thought that brought me to the computer:

With Aharon Moshe's Notebook:

I had the idea to save time by actually scanning in pages from so many of my writings that go back to even when I was still in High School. However then I would only be publishing my old thoughts and ideas. With all the technical scanning proceedures as well as HTML coding, it ended probably taking more time then typing something new.

However there was an important dialogue which occurred on a college campus in California. I did write something the moment, but I am now just choosing to hit the major points of the matter from my current point of view.

Someone had come into the student activities, and I believe he was interested in starting a club. If I remember correctly the idea had something to do with German re-unification. I was the person that by some strange twist of fate ended up having to listen to this man. Very early in his "off the cuff presentation", as we stood outside the student activities building, the man said....

(continued on the following page..)

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